Monday, August 27, 2012

Status Update.

Thought that I would give you all a brief status update as we have really been getting some things done around here. I mean, we are seriously move'n and a groove'n. In the last 3 days we have managed to go from being almost completely unprepared for Baby Girl's come on out Little Lady, we are ready for ya!

I guess this would be a good spot to insert this disclaimer, the bathroom is not finished! Not by a long shot. But we at least have the shower almost complete, which has been the hold up. The Hubby had to tear out the entire thing and extend it. Then had to go through the whole mess of waterproofing, pouring concrete, and yada yada yada. Once he has finished tiling and hanging the new door, the rest of room will be a breeze. His words, not mine!

Still got some work to do
I think it's going to look really great. This is pre grout.

We did get to a point where we could clean up enough of the renovation mess for me to start putting together and moving things into the nursery. Hence, the feeling of accomplishment! I did really have to scrub, scour, and deep clean before I could start setting things up. We had a little mishap with the shop vac and ended up with an explosion of dust a couple weeks back. Ah, don't you just love DIY projects!?!

Here is a little sneak peek at the nursery. Still have a ways to go, but she probably won't be sleeping in there right away anyhow. I was more worried about being able to use the changing table and being able to find the things that I needed, like diapers and clothes.

So here is exactly where we stand. We have finally gotten everything out of storage, washed, put together, and have found a functional spot for. Examples being: Bassinet in our bed room, Swing in living room, Changing Table in nursery. Got everything out of the numerous bins and put away according to size and use. Emptied Buggy's closet which had become a un-enterable space while holding all of his and her belongings. I even managed to put together the Sit N Stand Stroller and get a few more meals into the deep freeze.

Still in bags. But at least I now know where to find everything.

But the biggest news is that I have an Induction Date! An end to this madness...a birthday for my little girl. It's still 2 weeks away and she could very well make an early entrance. But it's nice to know that it'll be over soon and I just love counting down to big events.

Sept. 12th, 2012. Mark it on your calendars and prepare yourselves. The Jenkins Clan is expanding!!

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