Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Just One Of Those Days.

Yesterday was just one of those days. No plans were completed and we didn't make any head way on the bathroom renovation. We got nothing done or accomplished. Our messes stayed messy and the day passed quickly with no progress made...and it was WONDERFUL!

Instead, we snoozed and cuddled. Had tickle wars and built castles from blocks. We read books and watched a family movie. We snacked, relaxed, and enjoyed time together. 

These two boys, my heart and soul, were in separable. They did every little thing together. That alone made the day totally worth it. There is nothing quite like watching the man you love, love on the boy you love...melt!

The "shop" he built for Daddy

Not only did we get lots of family time in, but baby girl decided to give her Momma a break and I had a full afternoon and evening without back pain. Miracle of miracles! With The Hubby and Bug playing and the break from the pain, I was evened allowed an hour long snooze on the couch! It was divine.

So yesterday, was just one of those days, that was looonnngg overdue! It was perfect and probably one of the last days as a family of three. Because Baby Girl will be here in just 8 short days.
 And yes, I have a countdown board, displayed proudly in my kitchen. I just love watching that number go down!

1 comment:

  1. Only 8 days?! So exciting! i know Kasey is eager to get there and take care of Landon while you give birth! She wants you to wait for her. :)
