Thursday, August 23, 2012

Food, Music, and Braxton Hicks.

With Baby Girl's rapidly approaching arrival, I finally found the motivation to start prepping some meals to freeze for easy dinners and such. It also helped to get motivated because they delivered our new deep freeze today, and I actually had a place to store the above mentioned prepped meals!

I've been collecting recipes for a few weeks now and picked out some this morning to start us out on. Off to the store and returned with the ingredients for Vegan Chili, Sausage and Peppers, Savory Chicken, Zucchini Lasagna, Wild Rice and Chicken Casserole, and BBQ Dump Chicken.

Laid everything out, donned the apron, and cranked some tunes! Let the slicing, cooking, measuring, mixing, and storing begin. The Braxton Hicks weren't originally part of the plan, but very quickly became a large part of the equation!! That's alright, just grin and bear it, and sing along to the music. Plus if I happen to send myself into labor, at least we will have some meals prepared ; )

A big ol' double batch of Vegan Chili. It's by far the best I've ever had. It's got 3 different kinds of beans and a ton of flavor. We eat it with a little cheese and a dollop of Plain Greek Yogurt. It also gets turned into Chili Mac or dip for corn chips.

Here are my beautiful Zucchini slices for the Lasagna. Use these instead of noodles for a low-carb alternative. It was my first show down with a mandolin and I only sliced 2 of my fingers while going through 6 Zucchini's...not too shabby if I do say so myself! I'm a huge klutz and always cut and burn myself while cooking. It's just part of the gig for me.

8 hours, an achy lower back, a couple of swollen ankles, and more Braxton Hicks contractions than I could count later...I have at least 15 meals, not including leftovers, all stored away in the deep freeze. I still plan on making some Cauliflower Pizza Crusts, Quinoa and Pinto Bean Sloppy Joe's, a couple of soups and stews,  and whatever else I can come up before our little bundle makes her debut.

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