Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where Does The Time Go?!?

Where or Where does the time go?!?

These past few months have just been flying by and we have had so many adventures. I, of course, had every intention to create blog posts about each and everyone. But as you can see, I fell short. So here is the short and sweet recap of the Jenkins Clan Summer of Family Fun.

We have been to Corpus Christi on our very 1st official family vaca. Where we spent a night in a dump of a motel, before packing up our stuff and moving to the very nice hotel across the street. This would have made a terrific blog post...but I don't want to get side tracked. Let's just say that when we walked into the lobby of the hotel, Buggy stopped and exclaimed, "Oh yeah! Now this is Nice!"

Visit to the Aquarium
Daddy and Landon Relaxing at the "nice" hotel

We have made a couple of trips to St. Louis, during one, we got to celebrated G. Grandma's 90th birthday. Again, this would have been another awesome post all on it's own, as Buggy was as sweet as sugar and spent a lot of the time glued to his G. Grandma's side. He wanted to talk with her and her friends, be in pictures, and even asked his mommy for a dance (even though it was just dinner and no music was provided). We also got to spend lots of cousin time with P and P. Did our fair share of swimming in Poppy's pool and just soaked up all the extra love from the Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles. Oh, and of course, in true family time form... we ate way too much food!

Poppy's Pool

Love'n on G. Grandma

Poppy all Grand-boy'd out.

Next on the list was our trip to Bridgeport, where we got to spend the 4th with Uncle Jay, Aunt Kasey and Renee. Jay proposed, we got to go boating, got sunburned, set off fireworks, and again ate way too much food! It was amazing to be there for the adorable proposal and Buggy suffered a very small burn from a sparkler and told everyone "He caught himself on fired."

Uncle Jay on the Tube
Mr. Cool and his Juice

MeMa came for a visit to watch Buggy while the Hubby and I had a nice and relaxing one night get away at the Fabulous Hyatt Hotel on Market Street for Randy's 30th Birthday. She got to spend lots of time hanging with her little buddy, washed all our clothes and helped me to start getting things sorted for baby to be.

Randy's 30th

MeMa Love

We have also been frequent visitors to our neighborhood pool, Landon has been attending and has a couple more church camp endeavors to look forward to, and Baby girl's bathroom has been torn apart in hopes of getting it rebuilt before she arrives. 

Ta-Da! I think I've gotten you all caught up...and I also think I'm about all Summered out! Need to buckle down and start thinking pink in order to get everything prepared for our newest little addition. Not too much longer now, and I'm not at all prepared!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice recap! It's been fun visiting with all of you this summer---more than usual.
