Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ready For # 2.

After yesterday afternoon, where we had this little Cutie on loan, I'm so ready for Baby #2!! We had so much fun playing, watching cartoons, listening to, and cuddling with this "baby."

Buggy was incredibly patient and gentle while sharing his toys and trying to explain the ways of the world to her. He kept reassuring me that "this is not my baby sister. She will be much smaller when she gets here. Brooke is a girl and baby sister is a girl. Baby sister will be the same. But she can't play yet cause she will be small."

It was a lot of fun to get a small glimpse of how he will be as older brother. Although, after she had been with us for a few hours he did ask "When is Baby Brooke's mommy coming to get her?"

This little Superhero is going to be an outstanding older brother!

The Stand-Off...I'm sure we will have many of these in days to come!


  1. I love his elaborate explanation of what the new baby sister will be like! Thanks for sharing, Gale.

  2. Oh, Landon's going to be such a wonderful older brother! He's going to be such a help to you and protect her like crazy! I just love it.
