Sunday, July 22, 2012

Belly Trials.

A list of daily Ta-Dos that have become Trials now that my belly is in the way.

- Dishes. Our dishwashers top rack gets loaded up with way too many dishes these days. It's much easier to reach than the bottom rack. But the worse part is trying to get the soap into the little compartment on the door that lies almost parallel to the floor.

- Laundry. Randy carries the baskets up and down the stairs for me, so that issue is taken care of and getting the clothes out of the top loading washer isn't so bad either. But transferring the them to the front loading dryer and taking them back out put a little squeeze on baby girl!

- Bath Time. Reaching a wet, soapy, slippery little boy isn't the easiest thing to do without a bump in the way. But throw that bump in and it's down right uncomfortable!! Poor Buggy now has to stand through most of his bath time.

- Getting off the couch. We have a large, soft couch that one just sinks into. I now sound like an old man as I grunt and moan my way from a sitting to standing position.

- Getting out of bed/rolling over in bed/just getting comfortable in bed. This area of my life has just gone to sh*t. That's all I have to say about that.

- Eating. Besides the fact that I feel huge and that I shouldn't be eating anything, I get full really quickly and than hungry again just as fast. There's also a 50/50 chance that I'm going to end up with matter what I eat.

- Putting on shoes. Unless they are slip ons, they are plain out work. And who really wants to work at putting on shoes!?!

- Picking anything up off the floor. If it falls, it stays! Well, at least until I can recruit my little helper to grab it for me.

- Dog dodging. I can no longer see the little pups when they are right under my feet and now trip over them at least a few times a day.

And to think I still have two months to go and the belly is going to do nothing but grow...*Big Sigh.*

Thank God pregnancy is a temporary situation and that the pay off is definitely worth it!!

1 comment:

  1. It's all just purposed know you get a baby in the end! That's what I constantly had to remind myself of! Hang in there mama. Baby girl is comin!!!!
