Monday, June 4, 2012

Black Berries and Summer.

We live in Texas. Houston Texas, where Summers are steamy and hot. It's Summer and I'm pregnant. Do I really need to go on explaining the lack of creative, mental, and physical energy that I'm experiencing?

There has been a lull in the blog entries because there has been a lull in our lives. I literally get drained just thinking about leaving the A/C and tend to overdo any activity that I partake in. Which means I am then couch bound for the next 24 hrs or so. Poor Buggy, he's going to have the most boring summer ever!

We have had a few note worthy events, but I just haven't had my usually desire to fire up the laptop and spell it all out for you guys, like I normally do. So I'll just pick one of these events to share and really, you're just going to mostly see some photos. I'm just not feeling witty!

A few weeks ago we went to Neal's Berry Farm and picked some Black Berries, the tiniest Strawberries, and a few Cherry Tomatoes. It was just Landon and I, I've really been cherishing these last few months with him as my only child. And trying to get him out to do a some things that will be way to hard with a newborn. We had a great time.

Sampling the goods.

I just heart this pic.

I might also add that these Black Berries made some very yummy Black Berry Cobbler! I told you, I tend to overdo the activites that I actually do partake in. So not only did we pick the berries, I just had to spend the rest of the afternoon baking them into something!

Oh Sugar, Su-gar!

All done and ready to serve.

With a scoop of Blue Bell of course!

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