Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Expectations vs. Reality

Expectations can be a funny thing and I have found that with a very active 3 yr. old boy, reality rarely seems to live up.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not the type to get upset when events and plans take on a life of their own. I can easily change gears and go with the flow, but I do often find myself shaking my head, letting out a sigh, and thinking "this is not how I pictured this going!"

Today, I woke up and decided that the $25 that my wonderful Mother-In-Law sent for Mother's Day would best be spent at the new breakfast place I've been anxious to try. Yes, I'm pregnant and most of my thoughts seem to revolve around food these days! But how fantastic would this be...a fun brunch date with my favorite Little Man. It could be our own little celebration for Mother's Day. I mean, come on, I'm going to have two soon and these moments will be few and far between. So off we went.

EXPECTATION: A great meal. That is eaten with his fork and where most of it stays off the floor. A simple conversation. I know he is only three...I try not to have expectations that he can't possibly live up to! Smiles and giggles. A memory that we could have together.

REALITY: Shoes immediately came off because his "feet hurt." Even though we were in a place that served food and I tried to explain that it wasn't the proper thing to do. There were a few tears over a broken crayon. We had to take a bathroom break about 30 secs after the food was brought to us. He spent most of our time there climbing and turning around in his chair. At one point he pushed back from the table and bumped the woman behind him with that chair.

But the reality doesn't end there...we did have a simple and wonderful conversation. He only dropped one piece of pancake on the floor and used his fork the entire time. I got numerous smiles and it was a memory that I will cherish forever! I guess it didn't exactly live up to my expectations...but like I said most things rarely do. And I'll take the reality that is my son over everything else EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Buggy!
    I just wanted to say I finally have read everything!!! Your little man is a real character and I cannot wait to watch more and read more. Any way a few videos can find it's way??

    Can't find a way to become a I will just have to save link and keep an eye out for a new Buggy adventure!
