Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vaca Blues.

Last week we had our living room floor ripped out and a new concrete slab poured. So my sweet mother suggested that we use some of the bonus time on her time share and stay at the little resort that is about 15 minutes north of us.

Time at a RESORT! Heck yeah! I was thinking, this will be like a little vacation. We will have all the perks plus the Hubby won't have to use any time off and Buggy can still go to school. Almost like a stay-cation but we'll have an indoor pool and lots of other stuff to do.

Oh, how quickly the tables turned and I soon had a bad case of the Vaca Blues.

Buggy and I arrived on Monday evening with a suburban loaded with clothes, bathroom essentials, toys, groceries, swim stuff, two dogs and dog paraphernalia. We walked into the lobby and were met with an angry hoard of old people who were bound and determined to bitch their way into freebies and room upgrades. The lady in front of me was going on and on "I need a room on the bottom floor because I have to have easy access. No stairs of any kind. But I don't want anyone above or beside me. The last 14 times I've stayed with you all, they have been too noisy!" Seriously woman! I'm standing here juggling a three year old because he kicked his shoes off in the car (to this day I have still only found one of them) and the sign says no shirt no shoes no service, so I don't want to set him down. And there's a reason they stack these buildings 3 rooms high and 6 across...they are going to try and cram as many people in as they possibly can. But for sure, during one of  your next 14 stays we will be sure to reserve 3 rooms in your honor so that you may have all the peace and quiet that you undoubtedly deserve.

We finally arrived at our room and I began the process of moving the Suburban load into the room in the pouring rain. Yes, it also rained the entire time we were there. Which would not have been so bad if I didn't have two little dogs that had to be walked 3-4 times a day and a 3 yr old who accompanied me on these endeavors. We very quickly ran out of dry little shoes...I guess the water puddles were just too irresistible. Ha! As I sit here and type this the light bulb goes *ding* RAIN BOOTS! I should have brought his rain boots. Hindsight, I tell ya. Hindsight!

Anyhoo, let's skip the peanut butter and jelly episode and jump right on over to Valentine's Day. I was dead set on making The Hubby a Delicious meal which turned out to be nearly impossible with the kitchen space I was provided. I can still count the number of bruises I received from this kitchen, 7. And there was virtually no counter space. As in, I had the Butter Curry Chicken in the plate cabinet, Palak Paneer in the silverware drawer, and the chick peas balancing on the mixing bowels a top the fridge. As it turns out the only pleasure I found in this task was imagining the cranky old lady from the lobby staying in the room next to me and being forced to share in the aromas of the Indian food...How do ya like your neighbor now!?! You can now add "I don't want any ethic people staying near me and cooking strange foods." to your list of complaints.

By Wednesday, after my 4th dog chase, (Buggy would open the door to see what was going on and one or the other would fly out and take off) I was fantasizing about my comfy couch and bed (theirs were hard as rocks) my wonderfully sized kitchen, and Little Man's playroom.

By Thursday, I was packing it up and heading home. As it turns out, it's just not a vacation when The Hubby has to work, you are still on a strict budget and can't go out to eat, and now you are just 15 minutes farther away from all of your daily to-dos. Plus all three of the little beings that you are caring for are all over you the entire time because they are unsure of their new surroundings and probably think you are just going to dump them and leave for forever. Like I would ever actually do that!

There were a few highlights which I should probably mention now. Don't want you all thinking I'm a heading in the direction of the little old lady who complained about everything. There was a huge bath tube with jets in the room that both Buggy and I enjoyed very much. I even bought myself a large bath ball which fizzed the water into a pretty pink that smelled wonderfully like roses. We did get to use the indoor pool once. They had it set at the perfect temp and Buggy was in heaven. We were out of the way the day that they came and did the floor. And last but certainly not least, I have a whole new prospective and appreciation from my home. I love it...and there is no place I would rather be.

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