Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh. My. Stars.

Today, for the first time in his 3 years here on earth, Buggy had a full blown Temper Tantrum. I don't mean a little fit or a small breakdown, we have seen plenty of those. I'm talking a red in the face, shrieking, stiff legs a kick'n, huge tears flowing, uncontrollable Tantrum. One that when it ended I just sat there slack jawed, bugged eyed, and thinking "Oh. My. Stars. What was THAT!?!"

We went on our normal Monday grocery run to HEB. He really is a great shopping buddy. He brings his two toys in and just happily rides along with me in the cart and plays with his guys. We make a few stops at his favorite samples and he patiently waits while I cruise the isles. Of course, I have to stoop and pick those two toys up about 50 times. But I just consider it a fabulous way to get in a few squats while I'm shopping! He rarely whines, doesn't beg, and even asks to hold my hand. Today was no different...until we checked out.

HEB gives children pieces of paper called "Buddy Bucks" which are fed into the special machine and stickers with numbers pop out. These numbers are points that can be collected and traded in for things. But we just think it's cool to push the button and receive the sticker. The Checker handed two Buddy Bucks to Landon, again part of the routine. Although, this time Landon exclaims, "I hate Buddy Bucks." and hands them to me. I tried to explain that "No, you like them." and gave him 3 different opportunities to take them back. When he refused, I shrugged thanked the lady and handed them back. Everything was cool...till we reached the car.

I have seen and heard other children scream like that. Just never my child. He begins screaming and crying that he wants his Buddy bucks as I load the car. I calmly explain that no, he said he didn't want them. This just sent him into a rage. I kept waiting for his head to spin like in the Exorcism. People were staring as I had to pry him out of the cart and wrestle him into his car seat. And then the flood gates opened. Huge tears, screams of frustration, and arms and legs just flailing everywhere. It was horrifying. I had no idea what to do. At one point he had gotten so worked up that he was gasping for breath and in between sobs saying "I can't talk Mommy." 

He finally calmed himself down and I turned to look at my swollen eyed, red puffy faced child and told him "I'm sorry you were so upset and I love you." Please lord, don't let this be the start of something new. Cause I'm exhausted and am sure he is too!


  1. Oh my....the best thing you did was not give sorry for you both. Kate

  2. Just be thankful you made it til he was 3 to experience that. Stella's had a few full blown blowouts in between being sick and getting another sibling.

  3. Oh no! Poor baby (and mama!). Sounds like you handled it very well. Hopefully he's recovered and is now back to his normal, happy, smiling self. Sometimes we all just need a good meltdown (ok, well I know I do). :)
