Monday, February 6, 2012

A Tribute To My Three Year Old.

It has been absolutely AMAZING to watch Buggy grow and change over the last three years. Mind blowing how they go from a teeny-tiny little being to a full blown child. They loose the roundness and chub, they gain the ability to move, walk, and talk. Their personalities bloom and an individual has arrived.

But this tribute isn't about all three year olds, it's about a very special one.

One who is all boy...a very sweet and loving boy, but boy all the same.

One who surprises me daily with his wit and charm.

One who will be cuddled up with you one second and then jump up the next to start an all out plastic toy brawl.

One who's kisses and sweet "I love you"s melt my heart every time.

One who is as rough and tough as they come, but has to have the bathroom light burning bright for bedtime.

One who will keep you laughing till your face and sides hurt.

One who makes you question "Did that really just happen?"

One who believes growing up is based on the ability to Potty on the potty, eat with a fork, dance and sing, climb and jump, and play with his toys.

One who doesn't realize it's so much more than that and he keeps growing up alittle more with each day that passes. Which is both a completely sad and wonderful thing.

This Tribute is to the Three Year Old who stole my heart, who on this day changed my life forever, and who I believe was picked just for me. It's for my son.

Happy Birthday Landon! You are more special than you will ever know and may this year be our best one yet!

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