Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Gone Fishing.

Our little weekend adventure included threading up the Sponge Bob fishing pole, loading the Red Wagon, and hanging the sign on our door that reads "Gone Fishing."

We trotted along till we reach the little pond where the fish almost jump out of the water and onto the hook for a chance to eat some the delicious corn that we happily provide.

The Little Pond where we fish and feed the turtles.

This is where the Daddy and Son bonding time really began...I was really just there to snap some pics.


Watching the Bobber

These two just really enjoy doing guy stuff together! And when they are together it makes my heart swell!


Caught One!

Don'tcha just love them!!! There is something just so attractive about a man with a child, especially when they are both yours!

My boys and their fish...I'm one proud Momma!


  1. Love the shoes that Landon is wearing! These are GREAT photos! I don't even know which one is my favorite. So fun! Landon is turning into a kid, isn't he? Almost 3!

  2. That's quite a big fish! Awesome!
