Friday, January 13, 2012


Our little boy cracks me up! I'm telling you nothing gets by this kid...I really wish I had an all access pass to his little brain. I would LOVE to see what goes on in there!

Leaving lunch today there was a man in boots, jeans, a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat cleaning the windows. As soon as Buggy spies him, he starts exclaiming (in a rather loud tone) "Look Mommy, a COWBOY! A real COWBOY!"

As soon as we get him all latched in and the car running (thank God!) He yells out..."Hey Cowboy! You lost your horse!"

When the man did not turn around...because of course we are inside of a running vehicle with the windows up and he couldn't hear the statement. Buggy gets all exasperated, throws his hands in the air and says "Oh, he chewing gum. He can't hear me!"

Yup, Bud. Chewing gum makes ya deaf! What a riot!


  1. Chewing gum makes you deaf! OMG---I can't stop cute, Gale!

  2. Oh man would I love to know what goes on in that very busy and never misses a THING brain of his!!! He cracks me up!! Gigi
