Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Church Life.

As you all know we finally found a church to call home and we couldn't be happier with the Church life we have found there.

This month alone we have been to Sunday Services, became members, used the Parents Night Out, made Ginger Bread Houses, got Buggy Baptized, and started getting very comfortable in our new surroundings. All that, plus this is the same Church where Landon attends preschool and we couldn't be more thrilled with the way they do EVERYTHING!

This is typical buggy behavior

Ha. He cracks me up.

But the highlight has definitely been the Baptism on Christmas Eve. It was intimate, beautiful, and very well done. We had Grandma and Papa Jenkins with us and another family that was getting their 3rd son Baptized as well. We all stood in a semi circle around the Pastors and listened. Landon stood very quietly with his hands folded in front of him as if in prayer.

We, of course, didn't get a picture of the hands folded. But you get the idea.

 When it was his turn, he walked over all by himself and barely moved a muscle as all three Pastors placed their hands on him and said a blessing. For all of you that know Buggy well, this was a small miracle in itself...the child never stands still! Half of the pictures I have of this event are of him rolling on the ground and preforming his ninja moves.

Look at him! Being so still...they all said how great he did!

Not the greatest pic, but here we are with the Pastors.

He, of course, did have to stick his hand into the Holy Water, but I wouldn't have excepted anything else.

Wish you all could have been there, it was a very proud moment for us as a family! We have made a promise to keep up with The Church Life and to educate Buggy in as many parts of society as we can. We will also continue to keep you all posted in our progress.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't be happier! Well, actually, I would have been happier if I could have been there, but I am still very happy for all of this!
