Saturday, December 17, 2011

Our Christmas Ham.

Buggy had his very 1st school program on Wednesday. He used the opportunity to prove himself to be our little Christmas Ham, as if we had any doubt! This child definitely doesn't shy away from the spot light and seems to thrive off the attention of many. We still swear he learned to walk on his 1st birthday just so he could show off to the audience he had at his birthday party!

Buggy is in the Little Bears Class

He starts off the program by giving some shout outs to the family members,"Hi Daddy, Hi Papa, Hi Grandma."

When the music starts the boy gets into the groove and throws out a few key words "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells."

After he dances and shakes his way through the 1st song he gets a bit distracted and decides it's time to show off some Power Rangers moves.

When the next song starts he really wants us to "hold the babies" during Away in a Manger. When the two curly haired girls block him out he gets a little upset cause "I can't see you over there." and has to move over by Tanner. After watching Tanner's reaction to this I'm beginning to understand why Landon gets in the car everyday after school and starts out with "Tanner is mean, Momma."

Make sure your volume is turned up and enjoy the CCP Christmas Program starring Little Man...the Christmas Ham!

You can also get to the video via this link...if you want to make it full screen.


  1. Thank you for sharing that video. I know how hard you worked to get the dang thing off your older video camera! But now I feel like I got to see his Christmas Program debut! It helps. Wish you were closer so I could have been there, but I am glad that Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins could make it! So much fun! Love you all! Merry Christmas!

  2. Those girls just pushed him out! He really didn't seem to mind however!
    Merry Christmas to all
