Thursday, December 8, 2011

Adorable To-Dos.

Buggy is just full of Adorable to-dos and comments these days. He is soo very clever and is such a ham, you just never know what he's going to do or say. Here are just a few examples of the things we get everyday...

He has a little Velcro Cameo Belt that he has to wear with most of his pants. He's so darn skinny it's the only way to keep his drawers from falling down. But when he needs to go potty he yells, "Momma, I need help. Undo my seat belt!"

The other day when the hubby got out of the shower and all done up he came over to give us a group hug before he left and I made some comment about him smelling good, Landon chimes in with "Yeah, Daddy. You stink!"

Little Man loves to sing along to the radio these days, his version always contains a few of the key words and then he just repeats them to the beat. His favorite songs are "Moves like Jagger" Maroon 5. Which Translates to the "oooooo song" and sounds like this "ooooooooo like Jagger" and "Rock in Roll all Night" Kiss. Which translates to "I wanna rock and roll" repeated over and over again.

He also likes to read books by himself now and tells long elaborate stories while he slowly turns the pages.

Every meal is "Lunch" whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner. So according to Landon we only eat lunch and snacks everyday.

When we opened his Fisher Price Nativity Scene he got all excited and exclaims "Look Momma, it's the baby Jesus!" Proud moment!

He recently learned how to give Eskimo kisses and loves to spread them around.

He is learning to count to 15 and his ABC's and practices them both frequently. And when you clap or cheer him on he always stops and says "Oh! Thank you"


  1. Ryan loves moves like jagger too!! So funny! His other favorite is party rock anthem. It's so cute when they sing along their own versions! Baby Jesus, that's really impressive! Miss you guys!

  2. So glad you are writing these things much happens and we forget so quickly.....this is fun.
