Sunday, May 8, 2011

Paci Fairy

We had been learning and talking about the Paci Fairy for weeks. All the prep work had been complete and we were graced with a visit from her yesterday afternoon. And things have been going shockingly smooth ever since. Well, the 1st nap was a bit rocky, but I honestly expected things to be much worse.

For all of you that don't know who the Paci Fairy is, I shall enlighten you. The Paci Fairy comes and collects all of a child's Pacis when they have gotten too big for them. She will then take and thoroughly sanitize them so that they can be passed on to all the new little babies. And as Buggy cleverly figured out those pacis keep babies from crying. Now, she won't do this when she can be seen, much like Santa Claus or the more popularized Tooth Fairy, but she will leave presents in exchange. And I'm talking about some good presents. No silly nickle or dime (come on Tooth Fairy those have very little value these days) but things like a Triceratops Pillow Pet, 3 different colors of play dough, bubbles, stickers, and a kaleidoscope. Told you she brings some good stuff and which I personally believe is earned. Giving up all your pacis is very hard to do.

We decided that we should make a fancy bag to help the Paci Fairy carry all of Buggy's Pacis, for he had quite a few.

We then gathered all of his Pacis up and throw them into the bag. The bag was then sealed and put in an easy to find spot to await it's pickup time. I think he did an excellent job decorating this very special bag!

Landon was all about this whole process until after the bag was sealed and I told him that "now the Paci Fairy will come and take them" he just frowned and said "No, my Pacis!"

And of course when nobody was looking...the paci bag disappeared and presents where left in it's spot. This was suppose to happen while Buggy was sleeping, but like I said, the 1st nap didn't go so well. He never actually asked for his paci during that nap. But he couldn't settle down without it either.

This made for one very excited Little Boy!

I think he would tell you that it was definitely worth the trade or maybe that's just my guilty conscience trying to convience all of you that taking away a childs paci really isn't a mean thing to do!

He does ask for it every now and again but when I tell him that "they are all gone. Remember the Paci Fairy took them." He just looks at me and says "OH! OK!" I'm sure hoping that his optimism lasts!


  1. The paci fairy didnt take away one paci.... cause im still here!!! i want presents!

    Love Aunt Paci

  2. What a great idea! I've never heard of doing this, but it makes sense. It lets them be the one to give it up instead of you being the bad guy taking it away. And who doesn't love gifts? You're a genius.
