Friday, May 13, 2011

Cliff Notes on Buggy

**So I'm a little peeved because I actually wrote this blog yesterday and finished it right as blogger was having issues and it didn't save! So I will try my best to remember exactly what I had put into it...and hopefully my annoyance doesn't come through.

I thought that I would give you a synopsis or an overview, if you will, of what our Little Man is up to these days. And believe you me, he's up to a lot! I'm just amazed and amused at how much he has grown, absorbed, and changed over the last few months. He definitely has his own ideas and opinions and can be quite determined when he has set his mind to something. In fact, his most commonly used phrases are "I do" and "my turn." His Independence is fantastic, unless we are on a time crunch to be somewhere!

He can usually be found playing with his cars, which are his preferred toys. He spends most of his day just transferring them from one room to the next because God forbid we only take a few. We have Hot Wheels, characters from the movie Cars, big ones, small ones, and even a foam one. And he loves them all. He has displaced the poor little farm animals into a lonely plastic bin so that their barn can be the "garage" for his beloved cars.

He also loves to run. He constantly wants to be chased or to show you how "fast" he can go. He runs after the dogs, he runs inside, he runs outside, he runs from his Momma every time she needs him to do something! The boy is a Forrest Gump for crying out loud. I have never seen another child that wants to run as much as mine. If only I had the energy to keep up with him...I would never have to go to the gym again!

He is still absolutely fascinated with water. He loves to play in it, bath in it, swim in it, watch it and talk about it. He can not be trusted near toilets, dog bowls, or sippy cups because it won't be long till he's splashing in the water. I swear he would be the perfect companion to have if you were lost in the desert because he can find the smallest drop of water. And when he does he very excitedly shouts "WATEEERR!"

He has learned to put his dishes in the sink when he is through. And it still boogles my mind every time I hear the dishes hit the sink (thank goodness they're plastic) as he goes cruising through the kitchen, that I rarely have to remind him. He's such a good helper and always willing to lend a hand. He thinks it's the greatest thing ever when he gets to help his Daddy with a project, even if it's just grabbing something out of the garage. But it's even cooler when he gets to break out his tool set and really get to work.

But my favorite habit that he has acquired is that he tattles on himself. I'm sure that if he knew he was doing it that the behavior would cease. But until he figures it out he's kinda of his own worst enemy. It's a dead give away when he's participating in something he shouldn't because when Daddy or I walk into the room he immediately starts saying "No. No. No Momma. No" Then all you have to do is ask, "Buggy, what are you doing." and he'll spill the beans. Even when it earns him a time out. He's just the sweetest little thing!


  1. I laughed out loud at this one! Sweet little guy!

  2. that little boy of yours is quite amazing...isn't it fun to see them grow!?
