Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chatter Box

Now that the days are getting longer we have been taking family trips to the pond to feed the turtles. As we pull Buggy in the wagon we like to chit-chat about all the houses in the neighborhood. We discuss the landscaping, paint colors, and over-all design. Landon has quickly picked up on the topics (not much gets away from this kid) and now points out the grass everywhere we go. We can be driving in the car and he'll point out the grass on the highway. We can be in a parking lot and he'll point out the 2 square feet of grass next to the building. We can be where there is no grass at all and he'll let you know that there's "no grass." He just loves to be part of the conversation.

It doesn't really matter what you are talking about or if you are even talking to him, he will find a way to jump right in. And most of the time he's very observant and witty and be quite a pleasure to chat with. Other times he just gets really darn repetitive and slightly annoying. "momma, MOMma, MOOMMAA." Of course I answer with a "Yes, Baby." to which he replies "Grass. Grass there." and if you don't immediately reciprocate...he repeats as many times as necessary. When he finally gets a satisfactory response and you think the conversation is over, you'll hear. "daddy, DADdy. DADDDYY." and a short "What Landon?" to which he replies "Grass. Grass there." Sweet little thing just has to make sure that everyone in the immediate vicinity is on the same page.

He also continues to astound me with the vocabulary that he knows and saves for the exact right moments. Like on Easter Sunday when I got all dressed up and asked him if I looked pretty. The response I was expecting was the wrinkling of his little face followed by "What?" or "Huh?" but instead he surprised me with "Yes, Pretty Princess." Which of course made me wrinkle my face and say "Huh?" Had no idea he knew what a princess was! Yesterday, we were driving down the highway and a large truck was pulling an enormous cement cylinder and when I told Landon to look he yells "a cave!" How in the world does he know what a cave is? My hope is that he continues to surpirse and astound me with his ever growing smarts and that he never loses his love for talking with his Momma.

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh. don't ya just love it? the stuff that they pick up on is crazy! sounds like you are enjoying every bit of it...way to go mama!
