Monday, May 2, 2011

For Lack of Creativity

I don't know what has been going on with me these last couple of weeks, but I'm simply exhausted. Therefore, I'm having trouble coming up with anything cute, creative, or witty to blog about. But since I have been totally awesome (like that self pat on the back!?!) about keeping this thing updated. I mean, I did make a pledge to all of you to do so! I wanted to slap something up here.

We went to the Farmer's Market a while back and I snapped a few photos. Thought I would share them for all my family and friends who are stuck with all the cloudy and rainy weather that has seemed to last forever. Don't know, but something about Farmers Markets just scream warm sunny day!! Maybe because it takes many warm and sunny days to produce all these colorful fruits, veggies, and herbs. Or maybe because the local Farmers Markets are only open during the Spring and Summer. Whatever the reason,  I hope these help to bring some sunshine and cheer!

PS Thanks for being so great and continuing to humor me with all my photographs, I know they are pretty mediocre, but I just LOVE taking them. It's on the top of my list of things to do to get in some classes and really learn how to use my camera. Hopefully one day your patience will pay off and I'll be posting some pretty phenomenal pics!

Those Strawberries Smelled so Sweet and Yummy!

The Herbs Smelled Fantastic Too

1 comment:

  1. Not have an eye for angle and color......
