Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Potty 101

We have really gotten serious about getting ready to start potty training with Buggy. Please note that I said getting ready to...we have not actually started. I'm totally intimidated by the whole process and am scared that I will push him to learn too early and the whole thing will back fire in my face and he'll be 5 before gets out of diapers after he has wee-wee'd all over my house! Whooshaaa, felt good to get that off my chest!
So lets get back on track.

The 1st course to Potty Training or as I like to call it Potty 101 has included; the purchasing of two little potties (one for upstairs and downstairs), months of lecturing and demonstrations, reading of literature (Elmo Goes Potty), and we even watch documentaries (once upon a potty). We have charts ready to start getting checked with each attempt that is made and Cars big boy underwear as the ultimate motivator. All of this has gotten Buggy very excited about using the potty...just not in the way I had hoped!