Monday, April 25, 2011

Gone Fishing

The Hubby has been talking about taking our boy fishing since before he was born. We never found out the sex of the baby while we were pregnant, we wanted to wait and be surprised when we actually got to meet the little one. But Hubby was convinced that we were going to have a boy and would constantly talk about how fun fishing with him would be (I kept trying to tell him a little girl could fish too). Well, as you all know, he was right and he finally got to take Landon fishing on Easter Sunday. Grandma, Papa Jenkins, and I trailed along...but it was definitely all about father and son bonding time. I pretty sure it was everything Randy hoped it would be!

Feeding the turtles

They have been practicing in the backyard with Buggy's little Sponge Bob fishing pole for months now and put his skills to the test in the pond by the 1st tee box on River Plantation's golf course. They used corn kernals as bait and were pulling fish out of that tiny pond like crazy. They would literally cast it in and BAM a fish would bite. So quickly, in fact, that I'm alittle worried that Buggy isn't going to learn that normally fishing involves a lot of patience. That's something we are going to have to work on at a later date. Anyhoo, they caught all different size Blue Gill, Catfish, and even a turtle. I was impressed with how well Buggy stayed focused on the task at hand. I thought that he might still be too young to really care, not the case. He wondered off now and again but he really was interested in what him and his Daddy were doing. It made for a very fun evening.

Landon's very 1st Fish

Likes catching them...doesn't want to touch'em

These boys own my heart!


  1. Precious memories! So glad I got to see these photos and read your story. Thanks for the smiles!

  2. I thought I posted this once, but don't see it.
    This brings back so many good memories of Grandpa Cammon fishing with my kids and the stories and pictures we all shared of each of the grandkids getting a big fish with Grandpa.
    I hope you can get Great Grandma Cammon the picture of the first fish. GGpa Lee is looking down and smiling.
