Sunday, April 3, 2011

Things that Melt my Heart

1) When Buggy crawls into bed with me in the morning and puts his little hand in mine.

2) That my Hubby gives me a kiss every morning when he leaves, every evening when he gets home, and every night before we go to sleep. He never forgets!

3) When Buggy climbs onto the couch next to me and says he wants to get "Comfy." Which means he wants to snuggle.

4) If I say ouch or sigh real loud Buggy comes running in and asks "Momma Ok? Ok Momma?" with genuine concern

5) The bear hugs my Hubby gives when I'm really upset

6) When Buggy gets in trouble or thinks I'm upset with him he immediately throws his hands in the air and demands a hug. I truly believe he needs the reassurance that I still love him...I guess that kinda breaks my heart. It's the hug and kiss that I recieve that instantly heal it and then just as quickly turn it to mush!

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