Monday, April 4, 2011

Bubbles and Berries

I was going to wait to post this adorable photos, but after the morning I've had I decided I needed some adorable in my day!
It started off with the dogs waking me up (for the third time) well before my alarm was set to go off. When I got out of the bed I realized that I had a throbbing in the right side of my head. Thank you allergies. Decided to stay up and enjoy a cup of coffee and some peace and quiet. Just as I sat down my second alarm (Landon) went off. So much for peace and quiet. Made my little guy a breakfast of eggs and fruit which he fed to the dog instead of eating. The dog later puked up the eggs all over carpet. Then off to the shower. Buggy decided he wanted a shower too and climb in with about 5 of his toy cars. Said toy cars were then repeatedly dropped on Momma's toes. Ouch! As I was letting Landon air dry so I could get a couple of things done (like brush my teeth) he pooped on the floor. My carpets aren't having a great morning either. I was in the process of cleaning it up when my other dog decided to roll in it. Seriously, why do dogs do that? I know, I know disgusting right!?! Think about I how felt! So after that whole ordeal and getting through an extra large (kiddos were making up missed lessons) swim class with a still throbbing right side of my face (out of allergy medicine). I need something light and uplifting! Sorry about the rant...onto Berries and Bubbles!!

Berries in the Bath Tub...Why the heck not!?!

He sure thought it was a neat treat!
Berries and Bubbles, two of his favorite things


  1. That's what I say: "Why the heck not?" Glad you could enjoy some time with Landon and his berries and bubbles. Love you guys!

  2. Hahahaha! The dog story is hilarious, although totally gross too! And the bath pictures are so cute! I sure wouldn't mind having some berries with my bath! :)
