Friday, April 8, 2011


Time is a very unique concept. You can have an over abundance or hardly enough. It can be over in a blink of an eye or seem to drag on forever. It can be wonderful and healing or it can daunting and torturous. We seem to measure everything in time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, How much time has passed? How much time do we have left? Past, Present, and Future. We have clocks in every room, calendars readily available, and watches strapped to our persons so that we will always know the time.

It's amazing how fast a few seconds can be when your trying to save your little one from hurt and don't make it. But the minutes after are gut wrenching long when they are filled with tears. Or that the first few hours of the day fly by but those couple minutes of getting down the stairs feels like an eternity when your independent two yr old wants to do it himself. How is it that the days can be so short but the month they make up can just drag on? Time has a way of manipulating itself so that although my son has only been here for two short years, I love him like I've known him my whole life. He seems to have always been a part of me.

Why as humans do we always seem to need to have something to look forward to? A goal to live up to. A quota that has to be met. We plan so far in advance and then spend our time waiting for that moment. And when it's something we really want time never seems to be on our side. So we start wishing our time away. Wanting to fast forward. When the moment finally arrives it seems to never last long enough and we are suddenly wanting time to stand still. And then we start the cycle over again. We've been told to live in the moment, but living in the moment can be seen by our society as a sign of immaturity...if only they had a plan! We are also told to let go of our past, what's so wrong with the past? Those past moments make us who we are today. The person we have become. I see nothing wrong with holding on to those memories and experiences. Just don't dwell so long that you are missing the now. For your actions now will inevitably affect your future.

1 comment:

  1. I do like your writing. Love you, Sweetheart, and I will for the rest of time.
