Monday, April 18, 2011

Corn Fed and Growing Fast

I repeatedly forget how tall my little guy has gotten. Therefore I never seem to push things far enough back on the counters. Although it doesn't really matter if I push it as far back as it can go. If Buggy really wants it he just grabs something to use as a tool and pulls it within reach. He use to pull a chair over but quickly learned that Momma can hear him dragging the chair and intervenes. But a large wooden spoon or hair brush works just as well and doesn't make any noise when used.  Smart and determined little bugger!

While I was packing for camping over the weekend I pulled the corn (new favorite) out to be cut off the cob and brought with for easy snacking. This is what happened when I left it unattended on the counter for too long.

Just walking around munching on his ears of corn

Finally sat down and made himself comfy

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing these photos and hearing the stories.....
