Friday, April 22, 2011

Enough Love?

As many of you know, since it's really only my family and closest friends who read this stuff, that we have been wanting, hoping, wishing, praying, and trying for baby #2 for quite some time now. But due to some freak rare medical occurrence (leave it to me to be the 1%) we've had to put that longing on hold. Even though we are on a baby sabbatical I still often think about baby #2 and what life will be like.

Today I've been pondering if it's even remotely possible to love another child as much as I love my Buggy. Now of course, deep down, I know that it is. There are millions of parents out there that will be quick to tell me that they love all of their children the same. But it's just so hard for me to wrap my brain around this concept when my entire heart is consumed with love for my little one. How could I possibly find room in there to love another baby as intensely as I love this one? I mean, we are talking about the one that was given to me when I least expected it. The one who completely changed my life. The one who lights up my days. The 1st one to call me Momma. The one who MADE me a Momma. How can a second child even begin to compete with that?

The only conclusions that I can come up with are:

1) As a parent I must grow a new heart everytime a child is born so that they can have the same all consuming love.

or more likely

2) I will find extra room in heart to love the 2nd just as much as the 1st. Even though I still imagine that there is going to be a small special place reserved for my 1st.


  1. This thought scares me every day! I know we'll love Luke just the same, but will the experience be the same as our first born?? I'll let you know how it all works out...!!

  2. Well you just do it. Both boys do somethings different and somethings the same but in their own way. As me and Corrinna, you and Randy will love your family no matter how large it gets. As I have said to Corrinna many occasions "don't worry we will handle it, luke we always do! "

  3. You are an amazing lady! Love you.
