Friday, April 15, 2011

Landon's Stuff

Buggy has a collection of stuff that must, and I mean MUST, go everywhere he goes. It wasn't really a big deal at first. I would help him gather up his couple of cars and off we would go. It was actually kinda nice because he would always have those cars to keep himself entertained when riding in the "big car" or at the grocery store. But the collection has grown and he knows exactly what's there or what is missing (when I try to quietly leave things behind). He loves his stuff and takes pretty good care of it. I say pretty good because the cars are always "crashing" and the dinosaurs "biting" or "stomping" each other. But he always knows where his collection is and never leaves anything behind. He even gives them baths and showers. Like I said it MUST go everywhere he goes.

Buggy frequently lines all of his stuff up, and seems to take inventory. I rearranged them some for the sake of the picture. But it's not far off from what he does with them.

But as the Momma, I put my foot down when he tries to take them to bed with him. There are a few reason's for this:
1) The dinosaurs have somewhat sharp edges and I'm afraid I'll wake up to a son that only has one eye.
2) He might actually stay up all night playing with his toys instead of sleeping and
3) He already has a whole other collection of things that he sleeps with...blankets, stuff animals, paci, etc.

I have recently gotten smart and cleaned out a back pack for Buggy to store his collection in. It finally got too big for the both of us to carry.

I'm hoping that this weekend we can lose two pieces of his very impressive collection. I'm thinking that we can make the boat the new home of his two water guns (shaped like an alligator and shark). Maybe, just maybe, if I gradually find some key pieces a new place in a different collection we can get back to the wonderful simplicity of a couple of toy cars.


  1. Uncle Jeff used to line up his toys too! And he took his plastic toy animals and dinosaurs to bed with him too. Most kids take stuffed animals, but Jeff's were hard plastic. Those were his favorite toys and he slept with them. Last time I looked he still has both of his eyes..... I loved this post, by the way! Thanks for sharing this fun stuff with us! I miss seeing you guys.

  2. Hey there!
    I think that's the little backpack Tallis got him!
    Glad it's going to good use, and full of his favourite things.. :)
    Such a cute story.
