Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What did you say!?! What did he say!?!

As a Momma, I have recently had some eye opening experiences. Ones that have really made me stop, take a look at myself and re-evaluate some of my habits.

I have always received many compliments on Landon's vocabulary. He was born a talker and hasn't slowed down one bit in his two years of life. He quickly picks up on words and always uses them in the right context. He constantly surprises me with words that I didn't know he knew. It's almost like he sits on the word, stores it away in his vocabulary bank until he has the appropriate time to use it. 98% of the time it's a pleasant surprise...Can you tell where this is going? My sweet baby boy has been cussing! Big Long Sigh.

It started out with him repeating me, "Sh*t" was the first to make an appearance. Yes, I take full responsibility for that word. I use it often. But it quickly turned into him using it on his own and me changing my vocabulary to "shoot." I have been doing pretty well and after some explaining that we don't use that word Buggy has seemed to drop it as well. Unless I slip up and then I hear it pour from his mouth for the next 5 minutes.

Then came "shut-up", again that comes from me. I constantly tell my barking dogs to shut-up. When I get surprised or scared I yell "shut-up" (have no idea why I do that, but I do). When my Hubby picks on me excessively I'm sure I tell him to shut-up. Landon starting telling his sippy cup, which was making an annoying sound, to shut-up. When I turned and asked him what he said he looks my square in the eye and says "Shut-up juice! Shut-up!" Geez.

The last straw was yesterday when I was putting him into his car seat. I couldn't get the buckle fastened and I let a "Shoot" slip out under my breath. It was quickly answered with a "F*ck" from Landon. Oh My God Goodness! I do not take responsibility for this one! I mean I use the word, but not very frequently and I don't think I use it in front of my son! Of course I tried to rationalize it. He must have meant frog which sometimes sounds like "F*ck" when he says it. So I started talking about frogs. Landon says " No, frog. F*ck." My jaw hit the floor. Of course the oh so helpful hubby jumps in with "Did you learn that from Momma?" and of course he said "Yes." Really!?! That's not fair. You put that thought in his head. I wanted to scream"Leading the witness!"  Ugh, I should probably just go wash my mouth out with soap! I have a new goal to stop my foal langauge all together. I really hope this is all it will take to get Landon to stop using it as well.


  1. I love reading your blog! I've been in your shoes! You are doing the right thing by talking to him and cleaning up your sailor's vocabulary! Ha ha! He can stop (easier than you can) but he will only stop if you stop first. Good luck! ps ... I know he couldn't possibly gotten ALL of his bad language from you ;)

  2. This is really funny! (speaking from a mom who can relate) The sure do "mirror" what they see. But this means he is picking up the good, sweet things that you do and say also!

  3. hahahaha... If Aunt Paci were around more we would probably know the exact source of that (however I was REALLLLY good around him for that weekend,so this is totally not my fault!!)I blame Randy.

  4. Potty Mouth Parenting in this house...horrible!
