Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy 30th to Me!

The TRUTH is, I'm totally OK with turning 30. I love where I am in life; the woman I have become; my home, my hubby, my child. Life is grand, and I still have a lot left to live. I'm excited to see where the next ten years take me. I'm going to wear my 30 badge proudly! To ring in this monumental birthday, the Hubby took me to New Orleans for the weekend. The love of my life planned this trip for months, and amazingly, kept it a secret from me. It was a wonderful surprise, and I can't imagine any better way to have spent celebrating 30 years of life.

Oh, New Orleans! My heart belongs to you. I immediately fell in love with this city. It's bursting with culture, history, life, and has a soul that I have never experienced in a city before. New Orleans smells and is definitely dirty, but somehow that adds to the whole ambiance that is New Orleans. The food is satisfying and delicious. Drink is available 24 hrs a day. Music swells through the air, mixing with the people that fill the streets. The buildings are colorful and old. The locals friendly and interesting. If I could afford a second home, I would purchase there without hesitation. Here are a few pics from our little get away.

Buildings in the City

Large Live Oaks in the City

Swamp is just as beautiful

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