Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hide and Seek...But Momma didn't know she was playing!

**Quick side note that will better help you understand this story, Landon has recently decided he doesn't want to nap anymore, so to help resolve the issue we had to:
1) Blackout his windows so that it gets dark in his room
2) Make it so he can't get out of the room

When we put Buggy down for his nap, we hear the normal bouncing, bangs, and bumps that go along with this process. Landon eventually tires of the few things that he has left in his room (we had to do a major "toddler proofing" so that I was comfortable leaving him in there alone), and he goes to sleep. The major downside to this new routine is that he usually falls asleep on the floor by the door. I don't think this really bothers him at all, or I assume he wouldn't do it, but it makes me feel terrible! I just think 'that's a cold and lonely place to sleep.' Beds are much more comfortable; a cocoon of warmth and safety. So, after everything goes quite on the baby monitor (yes, I still use a monitor. I'm afraid I'll miss something if I don't) I have taken to going upstairs, gently opening the door and slipping through the small opening.  I then pick my sleeping angel up off the floor and tuck him snugly into his bed. Or, on the few occasions he actually stayed in his bed, I go and sneak an extra kiss.

Today's nap started off no different. We read some books, I tucked him in, turned off the light and secured the door. I listened to the bouncing, bangs, and bumps. When all was quite, I went upstairs. Slowly, I opened the door, expecting to hit my sleeping child with it, but instead, out ran Brewno (our rat terrier). Stupid dog you had better not have kept my baby awake! When I realized that there was no little voice saying "Hi Momma", and no little body on the floor, I quit cursing the dog in my head and went over to lay a kiss on the forehead of my sleeping child. When I crossed the room to the bed, it was EMPTY! OK, I won't lie, this caused my heart rate to increase a little. Stay calm, Gale! He's just sleeping by the book shelf. When I went to look by the shelf, the floor was covered with books, but Buggy was nowhere in sight. I'm starting to panic. I flick on the light, scan the room, and still no Landon. Where could he have gone? How did he get out of the room? Did someone come in through the window and take him? Why didn't I hear that on the monitor? Dang Monitor, doesn't work properly!!  Then my light bulb blings on. If the dog ran from the room, Brewno was more than likely sleeping under the bed (his favorite place to be). I get down on my hands and knees, lift the bed skirt, and there's my sweet baby boy just a snoozing away.

He was all snuggled up with his blankey too, but I had to move it to get the picture.
The 1st thing Landon said when he woke up was "where doggie go!?!"
I am now very curious to know what exactly is happening in that bedroom when I'm hearing the bouncing, bangs, and bumps!!

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