Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fort Gettysburg

For some unknown reason I woke up this morning with a want to build a fort in the living room. I guess it was my inner child knocking at my heart or that I thought Buggy would think it was super cool, which he definitely does! The construction was quick and then Buggy helped me gather things that we thought would add some comfort and pizazz to the decor. We wound up with multiple blankets and pillows, a couple stuffed animals, his camping light, a dvd player, his paci and Brewno (our rat terrior). We have spent most of the day in here and have been instructed by Daddy to leave it up so he can play as well!

Fort Gettysburg
All snuggly
Mr Brewno loves it too
Tall enough for Buggy to stand in
Eating his snack. Blueberries of course!
Hiding out
We watched Ice Age
Then took a break for nap time

I guess my inner child must be very active today cause we are also having pancakes for dinner!!

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