Monday, March 14, 2011

Thunderstruck yeah, yeah, yeahhh

It's just fascinating how the mind of a two year old works. We woke up this morning to some mild thunderstorms, and Landon kept asking "What Noise?" I tried my best to explain that it's Thunder that he was hearing, but really, how do you explain Thunder to a two year old!?! Well son, Thunder is caused by lightning. Thunder is the sound caused by rapidly expanding gases, a channel of lightning discharge...for some reason I don't think he'd get it. Or maybe I could try: God is bowling. It's the sound of the bowling pins falling over...I think he's still too young even for that. So, the best I could come up with was it's a sound in the sky. As he ran over to the window, I continued with you can't see it, you can only hear it. That's when I saw his little light bulb ding on. You know the one that everyone has over their heads, and when a thought finally clicks, you can see it light up? And there it was, shining bright above his head as he said "Ah, Car!!" I tried the explanation over again. "Ah, Plane!" Ohhhh, so close buddy, but no, it's not an airplane. Landon seemed to think about this for a minute or two. By this time, we had moved away from the window and were getting dressed. Another rumbled of thunder and Buggy exclaims "OH! Grasssss." And then, seeming to understand this explanation, he went on about his business. I tried and tried to reason with the boy that it's not the grass that makes the loud crashing sound. But his mind was set. He would just look me straight in the eye and say "Grass." Like duh Ma, I've got this all figured out. The world isn't as complicated as you seem to think it is.
So, the next time you come over to our house please stay off of the thundering grass. It's quite loud, and I wouldn't want it to scare the crud out of ya!!

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