Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Domestic Goddess

Today started off with some snuggles and cuddles from Buggy. Then off to the Little Gym, and we actually made it on time. I got a few compliments on how well Landon talks and that he's such a "Delight." Back home for lunch and cleaning. I finally got all of the laundry put away and had dinner marinating in the fridge. Started ironing all of the Hubby's work shirts and really found the groove, we don't need no stink'n dry cleaners. I'm a freaking Domestic Goddess!! The guest room is almost complete (should be finished this evening) and I have all day tomorrow to get the floors cleaned and the house dusted. Little Sis is coming into town and the yard is actually raked, corn beef is already bought (St. Patty's day meal), and Rodeo Tickets purchased and printed. I can do this. Get back Martha Stewart, I'm all over it! On to nap time...this is where the day took a drastic turn for the worse.
Landon has decided that he no longer needs to nap. Please refer to Is Stubborness Hereditary to get an idea of the struggle that ensues. Today after a 90 minute battle I decided that Landon just wasn't going to give up, so I gave in...poor mothering decision I'm sure. I'm now feeling more like a Domestic Dud!
Went to find another shirt for the Hubby. Found one that he can wear with his brown pants and the tie was included for $20. Landon was happily talking away in his stroller and I was beginning to get a little pep in my step again. Walked over to the kitchen gadgets and found some really cute, colorful, and useful knives only $8.99. Alright, I'm getting that feeling again and then there it was...an apron that was just screaming my name. Oh yeah, every Domestic Goddess needs an adorable apron!

As images of me in my apron using my cool new knifes swarm around in my head and I'm again proudly wearing my Domestic Goddess badge, I pull the tag from the apron and tear it. *POOF* All happy images are replaced with the reality that I can't even remove a tag without destroying the article of clothing. As if on que,  Buggy starts having a massive breakdown cause he hadn't had a nap, the dogs starting whining cause in my haste to get Landon to the Little Gym on time I forgot to feed them, and my head starts throbbing cause I didn't take my decogestant. Defeated, I throw some dog food into the bowl, scoop Buggy up and wisk him off to bed,  pop a Zyrtic-D, and finally sit down and sew up the hole in the apron.

I think I might have to settle for the title of Little Ms.Susie Home Maker!

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