Saturday, March 12, 2011

Landon's Indian Name

Buggy has officially been given his own Indian name "I'mtalk'ntou." I'm seriously thinking about changing it legally since I tend to say that to him more than his real name. The child just doesn't listen! I use to go through all the different names "Buggy" (repeat 7 times) "Baby boy" (repeat 5 times) "Landon Louis" (firmer voice repeat 3 times) then finally physically turning him around and saying "I'm talking to you." Since that's just way too many steps I have learned to say "I'm talking to you" all mumbled together while simultaneously turning him around and setting him in motion. Hence the name "I'mtalk'ntou." I think it has a nice ring to it and I'm afraid that it's here to stay.

1 comment:

  1. And now you can see why I gave each of you four kids fictitious names: "Freddie", "Freddetta", "Brother Bob" and "Sister Sue". As you guys got older, you thought it was funny AND because it was, it got your attention! I love Landon's new Indian name! Very cute! And funny! :-)
