Thursday, March 10, 2011

Is Stubbornness Hereditary!?!

The Hubby is always telling me how stubborn I am. Of course, I beg to differ and think that I'm quite reasonable. I just won't budge when I'm right and everyone else is wrong. Eventually they will see it my way, if I just stick to my guns! So we always get stuck in a debate about this and I'm constantly telling that I'm not stubborn...It's just my way is always the correct way and/or the only way ; )
But after witnessing Buggy dig his heels in on more than one occasion. I'm beginning to wonder of the Hubby isn't on to something and if I didn't pass it on down the line! Landon has been doing this, hmmm, I don't even know what it call it! Thing, habit, gross annoying trick!?! You can fill in the blank after you hear what it is. When he's eating and he either tastes something he doesn't like or decides that he is done he will hold the last bite in his mouth for eternity! Really, I think he would still be holding his peas from lunch if I hadn't given in and let him spit them out. Yup me, the stubborn one, gave in. I think I might be out matched in this fight of the wills!! This is how it all went down...
I am really wanting Landon to eat more veggies. I'm giving him fruit with breakfast, veggies with lunch, and both with dinner. Today's veggie with lunch was peas. He throw a most of them around the table ate a few and left most of them sitting on the plate. I scoped up a spoon full and told him he could be done if he ate one last bite. He quickly stuck the spoon full into his mouth without a 2nd thought. Now if this had been my 1st rodeo I would have helped him out of his chair and watched him scamper off. But since I've been practicing at this mommy stuff for 2 years now, I know better. So there we sat. A few minutes passed and I asked Landon to open his mouth which he did again without a 2nd thought. There they were...the chewed up peas, just sitting in his mouth like they belonged there. We went through this for about 20 minutes. I asked, I told, I reasoned, I begged, I bribed, and then I punished. Each time I asked him to open his mouth he obliged and each time the peas were still there. He got a 2 minute time out and the peas remained. He got put down for his nap without getting to watch Cars and the peas remained. I finally gave in as I was putting him into the bed and let him spit the peas out...Landon and the peas wore me down.
Don't know what it is about holding on to the food in his mouth but it's now an all the time thing. It's totally gross and I hope it's a phase that passes quickly!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember a little girl who used to do something similar to this. She eventually learned to "go to the pottey" to spit whatever it was she was refusing to eat that night out so I wouldn't see her do it.

    Hey, what goes around comes around, I always say! Glad to hear you get to experience it first hand.

    My advice: pick your battles. Sometimes, these extended fights are just not worth it. Save it for things that really matter, like "no running into the street" -- and stuff like that. The boy eats well.
