Monday, March 7, 2011

Boogies With Extra Love

Buggy has been sick for a couple days now and you can tell that the poor little guy just feels awful! He has a constant flow of snot running down and some trouble breathing through all the congestion. His eyes have that "I just don't feel good" look. You know the one where they are puffy, glazed over, and he just keep rubbing them while yawning. He spends a far amount of the time whining between sneezes and coughs. The other time is spent wanting to be cuddled by his momma and left alone by the doggies (whom he usually loves).
We have loaded up on vapor bubble bath, children's Motrin, Disney movies, and saline spray.
Oh, the evil Saline Spray...que daunting music! Buggy hates it! The second I bring it out the tears start. Followed by kicking and hiding of his face. I have to hold his hands and his head, which is no easy task. That's when the pleading starts and my heart starts breaking. "No Momma, No Momma" "Please Momma, No." I mean geez, it's just saline spray. But I feel like I'm killing him or at least that I'm going to shove the little tip too far up his nose cause he won't hold still!! But I never do and he always manages to survive.
So once the struggle is over and I have successfully gotten the saline into his nose. The little guy sneezes a couple of times and then automatically throws his arms up and start asking a for a "hug" It's like he needs the reassurance that Momma still loves him and that I'm not enjoying torturing him. Trust me, Kiddo, Momma does not enjoy spraying stuff up your nose or doing things you don't like. I just want you to feel better as quickly as possible. So to make up for the absolutely awful saline spray...I pledge that over the next few days I will devote as much snuggle time to you as you can tolerate. That's a perk of being the only baby of this new stay-at-home momma!

1 comment:

  1. Try getting him to go swimming in the bathtub! I has the same effect as the saline spray and is loads more fun. He gets water up the nose and the nose gets cleaned out when he comes up! Worked for you kids when you were little. And I was a fun mommy and not the mean saline spray lady. Good luck. Sick kids are never fun.
