Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Layers of White Paint

I'm right smack dab in the middle of the guest room redecorating and I have run into a little snag. Well, I guess it's not really a snag, it's more of an annoyance. White Paint...I'm trying to cover a dark stain with white paint. I went through the process of sanding off the shine, then priming it,  and it's still requiring many many layers to cover it. As I'm getting ready to begin my 4th and hopefully final coat it occurred to me that much of my life as a wife and momma is like layers of white paint. There are everyday repetitions that are necessary to get the job done.

Laundry is a layer of white paint. In this house it has to been done daily and I still can't seem to get the clothes back into the closest and drawers in a timely fashion. I have no trouble getting them washed, dried, and folded. But then there they sit in the baskets until we go searching through them to find that specific article or I get so tired of stubbing my toes on the corner of the basket that I finally get them all put away.

Dirty dishes are a layer of white paint. These have to be done every time I step foot in the kitchen. This is because I'm usually carrying a dirty dish with me from some other room in the house. I don't really mind doing the dishes anymore, I think they have finally broken my spirit and I've just resigned myself to the fact that they have to be done or your house will smell.

Picking up after my toddler is a layer of white paint. No sooner than I get the toys in one half of the room picked up and put into their appropriate spot than the other half of the room is littered with some other brightly colored plastic. It does help that we turned the dining room into Landon's playroom. Not so much in the fact that he keeps his toys in there but that I can just turn around and throw them back in.

Cleaning the floors is a layer of white paint. I'm mean seriously...our floors get so gross between Randy constantly going in and out while working on some project. The two dogs with their dirty little paws, shedding, and constant licking. Landon spraying what ever liquid is in his sippy cup across the floor as he goes running through with his arms flailing. And me just not having the energy to sweep it every day.

I could go on and on about the many different layers of white paint that are needed to keep our life a sparkling bright shade. But like I said before I need to go tackle that 4th coat on the desk in the guest room. Plus when it comes to life, even picking a darker color wouldn't help, so there isn't really any reason to waste too much time worrying it. Just take it one layer at a time!!


  1. Your English teacher would be proud of your analogy! You learned something in school.....fun reading!
