Saturday, February 26, 2011

Confession of a Scaredy-Cat

Ok, I'm going to let you all in on a secret...don't really know if I should be putting this out there, but what the hey! Isn't that blogging is all about!?!
So I, the momma, kinda have an irrational fear of the dark. There, I said it, now you all know. I'm a big baby and am scared of the dark! But before you start snickering to yourself let me explain a few things.
1. I know that it's a completely stupid fear.
2. I don't sleep with a night light or anything. I actually like it quite dark in the room when it's time to sleep.
3. I'm very good at hiding this fear.
4. I believe it's an over active imagination that has planted this fear and
5. There is a reason that I'm telling you all this.
I had to set the ground work before I made my big confession. Nope, the fact that I'm scared of the dark was not the confession, just an added bonus. The Confession is that in the middle of the night Landon scares the poop out of me! Again before you start thinking "what!?! What kind of mom are you that your own precious child scares you!?!" Let me explain...
1. Within the last few weeks he is now able to get out of his bed and out of his room
2. You can't hear it happening till he's opening the door.
3. The house has no electrical outlet in the hallway for a nightlight.
4. Like I said before I'm scared of the dark and
5. Anything is scary when you can't see it coming!!
Buggy's new thing is to creep out of his room at night. He has already been asleep for a period of time before he does this so I'm never expecting it. And for some reason, I guess cause it's dark, he knows he's not suppose to be up so he doesn't make any noise. This is the complete opposite in the morning. He wakes up and immediately starts yelling for me as he makes his way from his bed to mine. And guess what? That never-ever scares me : ) But at night I'll hear the door open and then silence. If I'm down stairs I'll look up into the dark hallway and see nothing, but BAM! As soon as I turn on the light there he is staring down at me. I'm sorry, it's a little spooky. Or sometimes I'll be walking by his door, through the dark hallway, and he'll swing that darn door open right as I'm passing. Again, it makes me jump. Like I said before I have always had an overactive imagination. I guess I keep expecting it to be the bogeyman or something else horrible. I'm always very relieved when I realize it just my sweet boy smiling at me and all he really wants is for me to turn his stars back on!!

1 comment:

  1. Yep----we have to figure out a way to get a nightlight on in that hallway......maybe a dimmer switch on the light out there so you can leave it barely on at night so it's not so scarry. I put dusk-to-dawn type night lights in all of my bedrooms/bathrooms in my new house for us.
