Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feeling so Grown-Up

Landon isn't the only one who is growing-up around here. Hubby and I purchased our 1st vehicle as a couple and without the help of one of our parents! That's right...cause we're the parents now! We are the ones responsible for this little family and we are making the big decisions! Can you sense my pride here ; ) I'm just so darn proud of the life that Randy and I have built here in Texas. We seem to be making good choices, even if we're just guessing most of the time. So anyway, back to the car. It's a 2003 Chevy Suburban. Nothing fancy, no extra gadgets, but it was well taken care of. It's in very good condition and the best part...wait for it, wait for it...NO CAR PAYMENT!! We have managed to get a vehicle that works better for a family without adding an extra expense! I told you we must be doing something right. Plus I'm now officially a Texan driving around in my hugemongous vehicle! Hubby was laughing at me last night as we were cruising around the neighborhood, he said "you look tiny driving this car!" Just hope I can learn to park the darn thing!
Other big news in the Jenkin's household is we are giving up fried foods for 30 days. There really is no reason besides trying to be healthy. Randy and I just like to set silly little goals on occasion to see which one of us can actually stick to it. I guess you can call it friendly competition. I don't know who is going to suffer the most, Randy has to give up Hot Wings (his fav food) and Landon is going to have to give up French Fries. Poor Momma is going to have to give up Landon having French Fries!! That's how I get him to sit still through our long shopping the boy some fries and he'll sit quietly for an hour while he munches them. Yes, I sometimes bribe or buy my child's love, don't judge!
I will keep you updated on who cracks 1st or if we actually make it through our 30 days!

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