Monday, February 21, 2011

The Beginning of a New Week

Oh, how I use to dread Monday's! Sunday afternoon I would start whining about how I didn't want to go to work tomorrow and I wish we could just have 1 more day of the weekend. Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, homemaker, full-time momma, domestic engineer, or whatever you prefer to call it...Monday is just another joyous day that I get to spend with the light of life, Buggy! It's also another day to work on my new passion!  Which is designing, decorating, and rearranging my home. I love to make old things new and to hunt down the special something which becomes the inspiration for a room. As soon as I put Landon down for his nap today I will continue to work on the guest room. Can't wait to start spackling and prepping the walls for it fresh coat of paint. I have the color, "Bayou Shade", already to rock n roll. It's a pale green that I'm just dying to slap onto them walls!! Will post pics soon!
The other thing that I have found about not working full time is how crazy fast the days and weeks go. I thought time was moving fast before, but it had nothing on the new and improved time! By the time we have breakfast, get dressed, rush off to our various events, nap, clean the house, snack, play, cook dinner the day is gone and it's time to go to bed! I just can't believe how much we can get done and how many hugs and kisses you can fit into 1 day! It's wonderful!!
You all ready for the Buggy story of the day? This morning while I was loading up the car for Swimming and a Workout, Landon starts shouting "Wait! Treat!" "Wait! Treat!" I pull my head out of the trunk to see him running across the yard in hot pursuit of a very large possum!! He was getting pretty close until the Possum got smart and kicked into high gear. It's a good thing we live in a cul-de-sac because by the time I got up with Landon he was running down the road still yelling after the animal "Treat, Treat!" When I grabbed him and picked him up he says in a very disappointed tone "Ohhhhh! No treat!" Poor kid just wanted to give that possum a treat like he does for the dogs. He's got such a big heart ; )

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