Sunday, February 20, 2011

Switching Gears is not recommended when stopped

Since we, and by we I mean the Jenkins family, are never stopped. I've decided to go ahead and switch gears. Instead of having a blog that is only dedicated to Landon I have decided to make it more about us as a family unit. It hit me today as I was watching Randy (husband and daddy) make the new shutters for our home (he makes/fixes most things) that everyone should know what an amazing and talented man he is. And as many of you know we are hoping to someday add to our family. What then!?! A separate blog for each child? Don't think so...I can barely get anyone to follow this one! So I could continue on the path of a blog that only talked about Landon or push through the undergrowth to a new path that included tales of all of us. Don't get me wrong, Buggy is still the star of the show. Our world revolves around him and he is usually much more interesting then Randy and I combined. But be prepared to catch a little news about me and the hubby now too.
In honor of this brilliant decision I have given the blog a new name, a new address, and a face lift. This was no small feat since I really don't know how to manipulate blog spot. But I managed to change a few things anyhow. I just hope that I can get the news out to my 15 faithful followers that the address has changed so that they know where to find us...good grief, that sounds a little sad! Oh well, I think I blog more for myself than anyone else anyways : )

1 comment:

  1. I like it, Gale! Keep writing. We can't hear too much about you kids. Love you lots. This helps when I am missing you and your family.....
