Friday, February 18, 2011

Are 2 yr olds suppose to be so smart!?!

This morning we are being kinda lazy and so I am letting Buggy eat breakfast in his recliner in front of the TV. We are having Cheerios. So he got a bowl full of dry ones and a sippy cup of milk. I left the room to get some coffee and when I return Landon had the sippy cup turned upside down and was pinching the nozzle so that all the milk was pouring out (he learned this trick a while ago) right into his bowl!! Well, mostly into the bowl...the rest was all over the blanket!! Of course I exclaimed "LANDON, What are doing!?!" His reply "Cheerios, Like Momma!!" So what else could I do except go get him a spoon. He is now eating his Cheerios just like Momma : ) When did he get so big!?!


  1. That is my favorite thing to watch Parker eat!! Toddlers are so careful not to spill the milk and try so hard to be just like us :) enjoy your cherrios like a big boy Landon!!
