Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Big Boy Room With a Big Boy Bed

I have spent about 8 days re-doing and updating Buggy's room. I have been painting and rearranging. I have pretty much been obsessing about the design and where to place all the decals. I painted his new tree by hand and we finally put up his new Big Boy bed last night. Daddy and I couldn't wait to see his face when he walked into the room and saw all the new animals all over the walls and his huge new bed (it's a full size) all set up and ready to snuggle up in. We called him in, he was watching Shrek on our bed, and waited in anticipation. In he walked took a long look around, and finally exclaimed in excitement "PILLOWS!" Really!?! Pillows!?! After all the work and energy we put in and all we really had to do was buy the little guy a couple of pillows : )
I guess that's what he saw as his "right of passage" into growing up! I was also very impressed that he transitioned into his new bed without any issues!! I hope that it stays that way...keep your fingers crossed!

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