Thursday, February 10, 2011

Skilled at the Art of Negotiations

Mr. Man is quite good at turning on the charm when he wants something. The best part is that he really lays it one thick when he knows it's something he really shouldn't have like his Paci when it isn't bed time or chocolate (which he can say perfectly) first then in the morning. He has learned how to perfect the asking process which makes it very difficult as a parent to say "NO". He gives you that puppy dog look, you know the one where they tilt their head down and to the side then look up at you with those big eyes. He will then very quietly and sweetly whisper what it is he wants..."Paci?" "Chocolate?" "Chips?" "Candy?" Then to top it all off he smiles and nods his head yes while repeating, still very softly, the word of the thing that he just can't live without at the moment.
He is also very resourceful and can change tactics when the first strategy still results in a "NO". Good example was yesterday on the ride home from his day at daycare he wanted me to open something while I was driving. Since I couldn't reach said object I was trying to explain why this couldn't happen. He just kept saying "Please! Please! Please!" his tone went from whining to forceful to pleading and back again. Finally he gets so disgusted and just he blurts out "A PRETTY PLEASE!"
There was kinda of a shocked silence in the car and then we all just burst out laughing. I have no idea where he learned to say pretty please, but I love that my two year old never ceases to amaze me and has extra vocabulary in his ammunition that he saves for the most appropriate times!!

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