Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Terrific, Terrible, Tumbling, Tremendous Two Year Old

So, it's February 6th 2011, which means that today our little baby boy turned 2! I can't believe how fast these last two years have gone or how much our lives have changed since we were blessed with the birth of our son. He has brought us so much joy and happiness since he entered our lives. He makes every morning a little brighter and fills our home with extra love and laughter. We are forever grateful for our special gift and look forward sharing many more birthdays.
Yesterday, we had Landon's birthday bash and it was a huge success! He had many friends come over to play and help him celebrate. There were lots of balloons, Thomas decor, hot dogs and a huge cupcake. Landon sang along and danced while everyone sang him "Happy Birthday" and blew out the candle all by himself! He received an overwhelming amount of presents and the sun even came out to join in with festivities. Thank you to everyone who participated in making it such a special day of our Little Man.

1 comment:

  1. "Landon, Aunt Betsy says Happy Birthday!!"
    "I wanna color!!!" haha love you nugget
