Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Always the Little Things

This morning it's the little triumph that I just had as the wife! Yes, that's right! Chalk one up for the wifey...even broke out into my told you so dance even though the hubby wasn't here to see it. Ha, and I bet you all thought this was going to be about something sweet. Well, it sure is sweet to me! Victory! Can you smell it!?!
Ok, ok...I'll tone it down a bit. We really aren't one of those super competitive couples. We really do get along very well and are a kick ass team. We compliment one and other and prefer to help the other out instead of standing on our own. But then sometimes, just sometimes, you win a little battle that has been brewing under the surface of that team front. And this morning was one of those moments for me.
Randy always asks me to spend less money on groceries. And I, being the good wife that I am, have really truly tried. But I just can't spend less than $150 a week on food. This is because we eat all of our meals at home or from home. This includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 7 days. We might eat one meal out on the weekend. But we then make up for it in snacks. Plus the amount of milk that those boys drink is insane. So lets do the math; 3 meals a day, for 3 people, for 7 days is: Well, I stink at math but I believe that it's about $2.50-3.00. I think that's pretty darn good. So anyhoo, this is a small dispute that we have been having for forever. So this week I decided that I would go to the store and only buy the essentials such as milk and Landon's berries (which he just can't live without). I spent $23.16 and have then been making our meals with whatever we had in the freezer, pantry, and fridge. And I won't lie... our meals have just plain stunk!
This is where my big moment comes in...Randy called me this morning to tell me that he got a bonus check (Congrats babe! You work so hard, I'm so happy that they are giving you a little extra compensation for it!) and then finished off the conversation with "If you need to go the grocery store you can do that today!" When I prodded for more info he went on to say "eating the same thing for lunch for 5 days stinks." Ahhh, I'm still basking in the after glow of my small win!
My plans today will now include a trip to the grocery store. Where I will pick up lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I also have decided to make my hard working, bonus making, hungry hubby a big ol yummy meal for his dinner tonight!

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