Thursday, January 20, 2011

My New Pledge

Hello to Landon's followers!! It's been awhile...sorry about that! I've been slacking on updating his blog : }. But as of Jan 3rd, I'm very excited to say, that I'm now a STAY-AT-HOME MOM!! So my pledge to all of you is to update his blog at least once a week. This shouldn't be so hard since our little man is just weeks away from being two and is up to new tricks everyday! Although it has become a challenge to capture these new tricks since he has learned that we can take video with our phones. So now every time we break out the phone we are told "No, No Cheese!"
So lets do a quick recap of some of the things we have missed, since I have been neglecting this blog. We had a good holiday season. Thanksgiving was spent with our Texas family, Corrinna and Co. We had way too much and way too much fun! Christmas was here in Texas with Mama Jenkins and Papa Jenkins or as Landon refers to them as "Grandma and Grandma!" Don't know what it is about the word Grandpa, but he just doesn't say it. My little family was going through a rough ordeal so it was very nice to have them around to help out and lighten things up. Landon and I then made the trip to STL for a whole week! That was fun filled and very much needed family time. Landon spent lots of time hanging with his buddy and cousin Parker. And he still mentions his "Buddy Parker."
Now that we are got up we can talk a little about what us Jenkins are up too in 2011. Daddy is working hard for Service King, all the way down in Baytown! He is helping them get a new shop up and running. We are hoping it won't be much longer till he's closer to home and managing his own shop in Conroe!! Momma and Landon have a very busy schedule these days. We are going to the Little Gym, taking swim lessons, and getting to play at the gym while Momma works out. He still gets to see his Nini (daycare) once a week and asks about her all the time. The rest of our days are filled with snuggle time and play. We are really enjoying all the extra time we have together.
There you have it! The in the nut shell version of our lives. I hope I haven't lost all of your attention to the blog, since I'm going to be cutting back on my facebook time. This will now be the best way to keep track of our little love!

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