Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Growing Vocabulary

Landon's words are just pouring from his mouth these days. He seems to be learning quite a few new ones everyday. I'm beginning to think that he also knows a lot more but is just waiting for the perfect time to use them.
Last night he came over and stole a piece of salad off Mommy's plate, this is the norm, Mommy tries to eat and Landon takes most of her food! But anyways, the salad happened to have a vinaigrette dressing on it. Little man's face scrunched all up...he spit it out and declared "Grossss!" I wonder how long he's been holding on to that word!?!
He is also beginning to form simple sentences such as "I got it" "I want ___" "Where did it go" "Help me please" and "It's coming" He is growing up so quickly and we are loving every moment we have with him!!

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