Friday, October 15, 2010

Hearts Were Melting

In the mornings Randy, Landon, and I all head out the door together around 6:15 am. You all know how mornings go... a few words are exchanged amidst all the hustling and bustling as we all try to make it on time to where ever we are needing to be. At least, that's a typical morning for the Jenkins household. And this morning was no different until Landon decided to melt the hearts of his Mommy and Daddy...this is how it happened.
Randy was scrambling out the door with the trash, since it was trash day, and Landon yells out "Bye Daddy! Wove Eww!!!" and our hearts just melted!!!!
Now if a son telling his Daddy he loves him for the 1st time doesn't melt your heart must be made of stone ; )

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